
Kereval is the combination of “KER” and “EVAL”, meaning, respectively, “House” and the beginning of the word “evaluation” in the Breton language.
With the magnifying glass and the character “angström” the logo refers to the research of the infinitely small.

Kereval is still a legally, financially and technically independent company; this gives us impartial vision and advice for our clients, but also an adaptability and ability to seize opportunities.

We constantly invest in research and development to maintain our level of excellence with major national accounts.

The satisfaction of the customer, the taste of work well done and the well-being of its employees are the ingredients which contribute to the quality of the service rendered, to the success of its customers and of Kereval; a virtuous loop!

Our values




Our history

PASSI qualification renewed

PASSI qualification and ISO/IEC 17 025 accreditation renewed

Security Visa

Kereval receives the “Prestataire d’Audit de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information” (PASSI) security visa from the Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (ANSSI)

ISOBUS accreditation

Kereval is accredited ISOBUS Certification Laboratory by the AEF

e-Health interoperability test lab

The INRIA IHE Santé team joins Kereval which becomes a partner of IHE Europe.
Kereval obtains ISO/CEI 17025 accreditation under number 1-2347, Testing, available on www.cofrac.fr for its health IS interoperability testing activities.
Accreditation renewed in 2021

CIR approval

Kereval receives the CIR approval( Crédit Impôt Recherche)

Pilot test center for the automotive industry

Kereval becomes “Autosar Member Development” but also a pilot test center for Autosar (CTA pilot)


Creation of the Young Innovative Company (JEI) Kereval on July 9, 2002

Our partners

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Gender equality index

In accordance with Decree No. 2019-15 of January 8, 2019, the Gender Equality Index must be calculated and published by companies with more than 50 employees. The GEI has been designed as a tool to improve gender equality within the company. It measures the differences in pay and conditions between women and men.

In 2020 Kereval obtain a score of 55/60, which is a good score in relation to salary increases. The few points lost concern the percentage of women among the 10 highest paid employees, which amounts to 20%; this is consistent with the proportion of women in the company (23%). This figure can be explained by the fact that due to being in the IT services industry, the company has difficulty recruiting women.

However, 85% of women in the company are managers, compared to 70% of the men. In addition, the proportion of women in the production workforce has risen from 7% to 21% over the last five years, which is above the national average for the sector.

As one of the four indicators cannot be calculated because our groups by CSP have less than 3 women and 3 men, our index is calculated out of a maximum of 60 points not 100.