
Kereval supports its customers from the test strategy to the execution of test campaigns, whatever the type of test (compliance, functional, performance, interoperability, cybersecurity.)

The expertise acquired over the years in IS interoperability, especially in the health sector, and the dual IT and electronic skills of its “Embedded Systems Test Engineering” team, make Kereval a recognized player in the health and transportation sectors.

Eager to bring a strong added value to its services, Kereval innovates and invests each year 15 to 20% of its turnover in R&D, in particular on artificial intelligence.


To make your health information systems communicate and secure

Accelerating the modernization, interoperability and security of healthcare information systems is a strategic challenge for all countries.

Kereval is the only technical partner of the international association IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) which promotes and contributes to the deployment of interoperability of health information systems. Its customers are manufacturers, software publishers and also international health ministries.

In France, Kereval supports actors such as the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS), the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS), the Groupements de Coopération Sanitaire en e-santé (GCS) and software publishers in the health and medico-social sectors to generalize the fluid and secure sharing of health data between professionals and users.

Our objective is to facilitate cooperation between professionals involved in the patient’s health care pathway by offering them consulting or auditing services in cybersecurity and interoperability in health care.


Interoperability for smartcities

Numerous sensors and IT solutions are deployed in cities to collect and process their data in order to better manage urban space. Today, these solutions are proprietary and therefore non-interoperable. To guarantee the sharing and exploitation of data and accelerate the deployment of smartcities, the European Commission has decided to invest in an interoperability framework dedicated to smart cities. It is based on technical specifications and mechanisms (MIMs+) designed to facilitate the implementation of interoperable local data platforms within smart cities and their local digital twins.

Kereval, as an interoperability expert and member of OASC (Open & Agile Smart Cities), is involved in several European projects aimed at standardizing data sets and tools used in the EU. It will contribute to the creation of a certification system to verify their interoperability and compliance with defined principles and specifications.

Kereval is also participating, alongside Rennes Métropole, in the City Orchestra project, winner of the national call for intelligent and sustainable territories. The aim of this project is to organize and connect open-source and proprietary tools.

We develop your test benches

Kereval is a historical partner of the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) and is specifically involved in the development of test benches for the defense industry. Our commitment is to accompany them from the analysis of functional specifications to the complete realization of fully automated test benches.

Sensitive market par excellence, the Defense sector is one of the sectors where Kereval invests the most through R&D projects around artificial intelligence, either to perform software tests using AI, or to evaluate software applications with AI oriented technologies.


To guarantee the quality and safety of your embedded systems

Kereval is a historical partner of the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) and is specifically involved in the development of test benches for the defense industry. Our commitment is to accompany them from the analysis of functional specifications to the complete realization of fully automated test benches.

Sensitive market par excellence, the Defense sector is one of the sectors where Kereval invests the most through R&D projects around artificial intelligence, either to perform software tests using AI, or to evaluate software applications with AI oriented technologies.


To guarantee the quality of your software solutions

Le numérique est aujourd’hui au cœur de la croissance et de la compétitivité des entreprises. Pour accompagner cette transformation numérique et garantir la confiance des entreprises dans leurs solutions logicielles, Kereval établit un véritable partenariat avec ses clients issus de nombreux secteurs : assurances, banques, collectivités, commerce, informatique/télécoms…

Nous proposons la solution de tests la plus personnalisée possible. Pour y parvenir Kereval intervient notamment à travers des prestations d’audit (process, organisation…) et de conseil en stratégie de test.

Préalablement à toute conception ou exécution de tests manuels ou automatisés, Kereval met en place une démarche d’ingénierie des exigences, qui permet de piloter efficacement l’atteinte du résultat en concordance avec l’objectif initial ; que ce soit pour des tests fonctionnels, des tests de performance, des tests de conformité, des tests d’interopérabilité ou des tests de cybersécurité.