
Kereval offers tailor-made training courses, the content and duration of which are adapted to your context. These training courses, given by our own experts, can be carried out in your establishment or in our premises.

We have been recognised as a training organisation since 2010 (NDA: 533 509 540 35), since 2017 we are Datadock registered (ID DD: 0 018 494) and Qualiopi registered since January 2022.

Isobus vulgarisation

Training to have a global vision of how ISOBUS works (universal standard of electronic communication between tractors, equipment and computersTraining to gain an overview of how ISOBUS (universal standard for electronic communication between tractors, equipment and computers) works.

Isobus technical

Training to understand the functional constraints of Isobus and to know the differences between the Isobus bus and the CAN bus.

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