R&D study
In order to offer the most innovative test approaches to its customers and to meet the challenges of modern system validation, Kereval places a strong emphasis on research and development, with more than 15% of its activity dedicated to innovation.
Advances in cybersecurity and interoperability test engineering are applied to areas such as mission-critical systems, smartcity, autonomous vehicles, software defined radio and artificial intelligence systems.
CHIRU – Verification and validation of artificial intelligence
Verification of machine learning based systems is an increasingly crucial topic. This project focuses on black-box testing in the absence of specifications, which allows its applicability independently of the type of artificial intelligence model. The main case study concerns image-based object detection or classification models, such as those embedded in perception systems for autonomous vehicles.
Onco-FAIR – Oncology data interoperability
The ONCO-FAIR project aims to define and test a methodological and technical framework for the upstream/downstream interoperability of EDS/PDS by taking the use case of chemotherapy data. The objective is to make these data Easy to find, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable in the logic of the FAIR DATA paradigm (FAIR = Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). One of the main obstacles to this reuse concerns the interoperability of the source software that produces these data and the technological solutions of the Health Data Warehouse (HDW) and the Health Data Platform (HDP).
With the financial support of the Brittany Region
CRIA – Cyber operational Resilience augmented by Artificial Intelligence
Kereval is the leader of a collaborative research and development project with SMEs, industrialists and research laboratories which aims to develop a tool-based testing methodology based on artificial intelligence for testing the cybersecurity of critical systems. The aim is to improve the security of critical systems in the field of transport against attacks by corruption of sensor data.
With the financial support of the DGA
KER-SEVECO – Connected Vehicle Safety
Faced with the advent of the communicating vehicle and the increase in cyber attacks, manufacturers and their subcontractors must develop new solutions to strengthen the security of their vehicles; this requires more secure on-board computers and mobility services, but also more robust testing tools and methodologies.
As part of this project, Kereval is investing in hardware and software to develop a platform to automate and industrialise cybersecurity tests for embedded systems. Kereval wishes to capitalise on its skills in embedded systems testing to create a Cyberlab dedicated to connected vehicles, and subsequently to autonomous vehicles.
With the financial support of the FEDER, the Brittany Region and Rennes Métropole
Projet industriel
Kereval participates in collaborative R&D projects and offers CIFRE theses. Progress on the work is regularly published at national and international conferences.
Research project
Kereval proposes to partner training courses to participate in industrial projects on the themes of innovation of the company allowing the students a better understanding of industrial problems.